Prevent Workplace Hazards

“Safety comes first” is our uncompromised motto.
Ensuring safety measures is the first consideration in all projects and workspaces.
At Dream Industry Co., Ltd., all employees can work safely and healthily.
We are doing our best to create an safe work environment.

Safety and health management system

Ic Right Arrow

Set safety management leadership

Ic Right Arrow

Worker participation in safety measures

Ic Right Arrow

Identify risk factors

Ic Right Arrow

Elimination and/or control of risk factors

Ic Right Arrow

Evaluate and improve the safety and health management

Ic Right Arrow

Education and training

About the Critical Accident Punishment Act

The Critical Accident Punishment Act is a law enacted in Korea to prevent major industrial accidents and protect the lives and bodies of workers.
(Effective date: January 27, 2022 and for the firms with less than 50 employees , January 27, 2024)

This law stipulates strong penalties to the firm and the CEO when a major industrial accident occurs because of the negligence of necessary safety and health measures.Punishment details: Imprisonment for 1 year or more or a fine of 1 billion won or less, and other 7 years or less, or a fine of 100 million won or less in the event of death. Imprisonment and fines are possible in combination with illness, and the penalty is up to 1/2 of the sentence for recidivism within 5 years.

Corporate punishment: In case of death, a fine of 5 billion won or less, and other fines of 1 billion won or less.This act is supposed to strengthen the corporates’ responsibility for safety and security measures and the statistics confirms that firms have  expanded the safety investments since the act.

What is a major industrial accident?

A major industrial accident is an industrial accident that falls under one of the following:

At least 1 death occurred
2 or more people are injured - the same incident requires treatment for 6 months or more
Occurrence of 3 or more people with occupational diseases - Acute poisoning due to the same harmful factors, reactive airway irritability syndrome, Stevens Johnson syndrome, toxic hepatitis, blood-borne diseases, leptospira, anthrax, brucellosis, legionellosis, severe illness, air embolism, oxygen deficiency, acute radiation sickness, aplastic anemia, heat stroke, etc.

What is the duty of managerial level?

CEO and the managers must perform the following duties to protect the safety and health of workers:

Measures relating to the establishment and implementation of a safety and health management system
Setting safety and health goals and management policies
Organization dedicated to overseeing and managing safety and health work (500 or more people or within the top 200 construction rankings of general construction companies)
Identification of harmful and risk factors, preparation of improvement procedures, inspection, and necessary measures
Safety and health personnel, facilities, equipment, and budgeting and execution
Establishing procedures for listening to workers' opinions, checking whether to listen to them and implement improvement measures
Establishing and implementing measures to prevent recurrence in the event of a disaster
Measures to establish and implement measures to prevent recurrence in the event of a disaster
Measures relating to the implementation of corrective orders from central administrative agencies, etc.
Administrative measures necessary to fulfill obligations under safety and health-related laws

The Implementation of plans to manage the company's major disaster

Dream Industry has been implementing the following measures to prevent major workplace hazards and protect the safety and health of workers

Establishing a safety and health management system: Set the strict safety and health goals and management policies; Introduce the dedicated organization within the firm to periodically check the risk factors and improve the system.
Securing safety and health personnel and budgets: Secure the necessary safety and health personnel, facilities, and equipment, and organize and execute the necessary budget to prevent hazards and risks.
Reflect workers' opinions: Listen to workers' opinions, prepare improvement measures based on them, and feedback  after they were implemented.
Establishing countermeasures in the event of a disaster: In the event of a disaster, take immediate counteraction and establish and implement measures to prevent recurrence in the future.
Regular inspection and training: Conduct regular safety and health inspections and educate workers for ensuring the workplace safety and health.

Our company is doing its best to prevent major industrial accidents and ensure that workers can work in a safe environment through these measures.